Author Archives: Gareth
The Nikon F6
Take a look at John Crane’s Nikon F6 Project. His site is thorough and has some stunning images made with the F6 and a keen eye. The F5 and F6 are two very different camera’s made at very different points … Continue reading
Here is a link to the Nikon F5 Pool on Flickr. Some great images from a great camera, still relevant even today!
Over the last couple of months I have finally had the time to put a lot more into this website to make it what I had imagined. The history and camera pages still have a long way to go but … Continue reading
Nikon F5 Site
After a while of drawing on scrap paper as to what all this should look like and contain, Nikon is up and running! I will be adding more as and when time allows so stay tuned.